Posted on May 9, 2014 by Editorial Staff
Tapestry by Carole King was released in 1971 and was one of the best-selling albums of all time, with over 25 million copies sold worldwide. The cover had been shot by photographer Jim McCray who was on the verge of shooting one of his most famous images when he stopped to ask singer Carole King if the cat sleeping across the room could be part of the tableau. He remembered the results of a Kodak survey that found “after children, the most popular thing people photographed was their own cats”. King assured him that her pet was docile, he carried the tabby and its pillow to the window ledge and into the frame. By the third click of his camera, the cat had slipped away but McCrary had what he needed: a picture of both the barefoot songstress and her whiskered feline that became the cover of King’s landmark.