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Posted on July 4, 2012 by admin

A.I. Artisanal Intelligence is a project promoted by AltaRoma, a platform created to link Italian art, craftmanship and fashion. A fundamental part of the project is the live component that allows each edition the public and professionals to come into direct contact with stakeholders of contemporary multi-faceted reality. A.I.’s events are characterized by a range of unusual and fascinating places, situations, i.e. it is the practical response to that desire of uniqueness and exclusivity of Italians. This year’s edition of A.I., created by Clara Tosi Pamphili and curated by Alessio de’Navasques, will take place among the most typical streets of the historical Roman district of Trastevere. Suggestive Lungara,  Mantellate, Botanical Garden within the Onofrio alley, Via San Francesco di Sales, Via degli Orti d’Alibert. Roads of a suspended atmosphere, that will drive the visitor through galleries and gardens. Among these, Foundation VOLUME!, Studio Stefania Miscetti, ExElettrofonica, RenzoGallo Studio, Cultural Association Esthia will become places of interest of the project. In each gallery a particular artisan will realize an installation by using pieces of his or hers collection creating a dialogue within a space that usually greets works of contemporary art. The event will be structured with an opening on Saturday, July the 7th , where the spaces will be presented to the international press and professionals.

Exelettrofonica Gallery will host Temporaneamente Visibile

The jewels/sculpture of Monica Coscioni will interact with the video work of Guendalina Salini In-visible.

Fondazione VOLUME! Will host Sette Elementi

The seven wells by Ivan Navarro with seven headpieces designed by designer Gilbert Halaby.

 Ass.Cult.Esthia will host Prisma

Reality and imagination, colors and contrasts enliven the fabrics and prints of Clare Cola.

Studio Stefania Miscetti will host Nula by 1-4-9

Giovanni Donadini tells a story, where cloaks, capes convertible and heads are indisputable protagonists.

Studio Renzo Gallo will host Artigianato / Contemporaneo / High-tech

Tommaso Cecchi de’ Rossi blends the great Tuscan craftsmanship and tradition with new materials and Japanese inspiration.


A.I. Gallery_Trastevere

Rome 7 – 9 July 2012