Posted on July 2, 2012 by Hobart Fowlkes
I am Carmela. My face? I am happy, no? Forse you cannot recognize my sguardo di total felicity (is that how you say?). Non importa, I am having a very important business today and my family’s entire inheritance is in jeopardy so i go to see the avvocato but the perfect modo per confrontare adversity is to approach with a bello sorriso. My dress? Is too chic? I think maybe my seno might be to old and pesante to go around senza “boob holder.”. Is that how you say “regiseno?”. I don’t care. Today is important, and I will face it with fortitude. “In bocca al lupo, Carmela!” dico io a me stesso. CREPI CREPI, screams my heart, sending positivity into the Universe.