Posted on May 17, 2012 by Isabella Cecconi
The International Center of Photography, will host from May 18 to September 2, a magnificent exhibition of Christer Strömholm. Very little known outside of Sweden but for many, one of the great photographers of the 20th century or father figure of Scandinavia photography, Strömholm was the winner of the prestigious Hasselblad Award in 1997. The exhibition presents the body of work Les Amies de Place Blanche, a documentation of Paris’ transsexual in the 1960s. Strömholm portrays intimate shots and lush Brassaï-like night scenes form a magnificent, dark, and at times quite moving photo album. It’s a tribute to these girls, the “girlfriends of Place Blanche.” The exhibit features 40 photographs of 10 years of historical documentation and intimate images. At that time, transvestive were considered outlaws in General Charles de Gaulle’s ultra-conservative France. This exhibition, is the first presentation of Strömholm’s work in an American museum.