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Posted on May 10, 2012 by Luca Andriani

Clear thing is that nothing is more powerful than an idea, being it an active player in the business, when aimed at spreading a message. What is the best method to make it effective is not easy. After years of experience I made myself an opinion: the valid mode of communication to promote ideas is the one that combines the facility to network with real events, reality, and creates tangible visibility with non-traditional means. Some of the best operations that have been able to express this idea are: Kony 2012, the US launching  of the film Chronicle (NY has lived in panic for a day) and the latest IKEA add (Salone del Mobile, Milan 2012), with title “Bathroom”. Starting from the basic idea supported by dual strategy of the virtual and the real, they have reached results that went far beyond what traditional media would ever had. As the world is changing very rapidly, communication strategies must keep moving. Nowadays, the idea that promotes a product, if willing to be competitive, must have an alternative strategy to classics models and methods to differ from the 90’s: press and television. And even if elements and tools of trade have remained the same, today’s communication professionals need a better mental approach to change and the best of this tool, from the combination of virtual and real space, a place of explosive development of ideas and forms. Ideas come from a knowledge of the world (that with all its variables give creative professionals an empty table to be filled). Communication strategies of an idea is also a space for sharing and divulgate the network: blogs, social networks, youtube channels and everything that the internet has to offer in all its shapes. If the vision and the strategy communication is effective, visibility and popular success will be evident. There should no longer exist a single channeled communication, bond to sectors (television, press, the internet etc..). But there must be a new attitude of interchange and integration between traditional and contemporary methods, open and freed from the isolation of solid compartments. This is the winning approach, which moreover is not synonymous of higher costs. In many countries, unfortunately the culture of media medium of communication from the brand’s marketing manager, although important, is very cheap. Many  still believe that television is the final and conclusive ending point for the communication of a product. In this context, to secure a partnership, agencies have to accommodate the wishes of a customer, giving up the idea of using new roads or winning innovative tools. This trend, however, this attitude is bound to have short life, because it will be natural, inevitable to exit from the dusty patterns in order to chase the ever-changing world. Communitycation is thus a space that will give a brief introduction to the narrative and analysis of new experiences, even though many still in embryo shape, but  can already  be observed.

In real life and in the network.