Posted on March 4, 2013 by admin
An artist is always remembered for his works, but also for his life. As many of them had huge personalities, often lived over the top or over the low, it’s the whole package that makes an artist’s life interesting. Life and works, faraway so close. This week’s Cut The Ribbon is dedicated to David Wojnarowicz, an artist that had lived the full decadence of New York in the 70s. Born in 1954 in Red Bank New Jersey, he was a photographer, a painter, a filmmaker and a performer. Before being a name in the emerging art scene and connected to other artists of that period, Peter Hujar, Nan Goldin, Kiki Smith to name few, Wojnarowicz spent some years in the streets of New York selling his sexual services and in Canada where he worked as a farmer. After his death in 1992, Wojnarowicz has served as an inspiration to many artists; from his scandalous performances, to his paintings, to his films, David was a one of kind spirit, a rebel, a true original.
Above, “Arthur Rimbaud in New York 1978-1979”
Portrait of the artist by Peter Hujar