Posted on September 12, 2013 by Editorial Staff
It’s so good to write about great Italian companies like Olivetti was. It make us proud of being born in this, now messy, country. Very proud of having such an amazing Cut The Ribbon. Founded in Ivrea in 1908 by Camillo Olivetti as a small laboratory specialized in electrical instruments, the company soon obtained a success only comparable to the other big Italian industry which was Fiat (founded just 10 years before). Adriano, son to Camillo, succeeded to his father in 1932 but not only for his successful imprint he gave to Olivetti he is a cut the ribbon. He off course participated in creating the very first calculating machine able of printing on paper, he also supervised signature writing machines production, but also because he was totally against fascism, a tireless test driver and a passionate believer of a new kind of industrial development that can be harmonized with affirmation of human rights. He believed in democracy, inside and out the factory. Under the impulse of his business fortunes and his community ideal, Ivrea in the fifties gathered an extraordinary quantity of intellectuals that operated in different disciplinary fields pursuing the project of a creative synthesis between technical-scientific culture and humanistic culture. Olivetti believed also that it was possible to create an equilibrium between social solidarity and profit and his idea of a collective happiness that produced efficiency still remains a model for contemporary companies. Not so many years after his death, Olivetti, the company, launched the very personal computer on the market. Type it on your vintage “Lettera 32”, the genius of Olivetti.