Posted on March 6, 2014 by Editorial Staff
This story begins in the US. In 1952, a milk truck driver in Watertown, New York, USA, complains to a local chemist about the smell of spilled milk. That chemist is Julius “Jules” Sämann, who spent several years deep in the Canadian forests studying essential oils in evergreen trees and learning how to extract those oils from pine needles. After some research, Jules discovers a special formulation of fragrance which, when put on specialty material, is highly effective in killing unwanted odors and filling the air with fresh fragrance. Jules recognizes a great commercial opportunity. At this time, there are many air fresheners for the home, but not for cars and trucks. A small, unobtrusive hanging air freshener is exactly the right solution for vehicles. Julius Sämann was a perfumist and chemist. He was mostly known for inventing many everyday items, but surely his great invention was that pine-tree-shaped air freshener. Known as WUNDER-BAUM® in Switzerland, the tree, with its special shape and peculiar scents started having different names all over the world. The brand has nowadays achieved “cult status” and the tree appears in many films, advertisements and TV shows.