Posted on February 11, 2013 by admin
“This would be a resounding name that should become famous”. This was what she heard of herself, just after World War II. Indeed, the French photographic scene was particularly marked by the signature and aura of this artist, who not only for her talent and virtuosity but also for her professional engagement was a ribbon cutter. Her art of portraiture and her nudes, her active role in the advertising world, her printed work and, her significant gathering of her stupefying photographs sparkled in a period where Man Ray, Brassai, Kertesz were blooming with female nude. Laure Albin Guillot, cut the ribbon of male nude, inverting the myth and being counter-current. Her modernity, avant-garde will always attract our attention. Her appealing pictures are so modern an paradoxically classic in ‘French Style’. As an independent photographer, she practised several genres, including portraiture, landscape, still life and documentary photography. Laure Albin Guillot offfered new creative perspectives in the combination of art and science becoming a member of the Société des artistes décorateurs, the Société Française de Photographie, director of photographic archives for the Direction générale des Beaux-Arts and first curator of the Cinémathèque nationale. Not to even count the President of the Union Féminine des Carrières Libérales. She emerged as one of the most active personalities and most aware of the photographic and cultural stakes of the time.