Posted on November 22, 2012 by admin
Domingo Milella’s solo exhibition at Brancolini Grimaldi (23th November- 26th January 2013) is his first in the United Kingdom. Milella, born in Bari in 1981, was a Massimo Vitali’s pupil. His prerogative is to fuse a certain mitteleuropean style to the American one: his photography is mainly focused on forgotten urban landscapes. This new exhibition will feature new images of important ancient sites in the Mediterranean, where remnants of power, culture, life and death are captured. Over the last ten years, Milella’s subjects have been cities and their borders, cemeteries and villages, caves and homes, tombs and hieroglyphs – in short, signs of man’s presence on earth. His interest lies in the overlap between civilization and nature and how landscape and architecture are invested with individual and collective memory.
Photo: © Domingo Milella, Myra, Turkey 2012, C-print, 180 x 225 cm