Posted on October 12, 2012 by admin
Since long time before the age of reason, men and women have adorned themselves with jewelry. Garlands of flowers, bracelets of woven grass, shells, stones. Simply, decorations to beautify the human body. Over the time, jewelry has been constantly changing in style and materials have evolved with the advances of civilization, transforming and modernizing forms and elements. In 1972, Florence gave birth to bicultural Giulia Leoni, handmade jewelry designer, whose upbringing was spent between the Machiavelian Florence and the Supreme-in-everything New York. When in 2008 Giulia moved back to her Florentine native city, she founded Leoni Levaliere. Easy to do and easy to say for a polyhedric mind, whose creations are a compilation of aesthetic effects which intend to provoke and satisfy nothing but all that is alluring. Ever since its very beginning, Leoni Levaliere has been increasingly gaining popularity and generous feedback for talent, passion, determination and obviously the business savvy, are Giulia’s natural expressions and appeal. Many of her handmade jewelry designs feature bold and classic at the same time, using beading, gemstones, Svaroski sparkling crystals, shiny and blinking daydreaming conceptions. Leoni Levaliere is a spicy expression of Italian style with a distinguish American touch. Stunning, elegant and captivating, Giulia Leoni’s bracelets and necklaces are easily portable, bringing glamour and originality in every occasion. Leoni Levaliere goes beyond the commonplace of jewelry and tradition, transcending cultural and linguistic barriers. It’s an ornament, an embellishment, an object of attraction and charisma, a treasure of beauty to be desired and owned, to be loved and forgotten. In few words, like Giulia once said: ‘Don’t take it seriously, just take it!’
Leoni Levaliere‘s new website is under construction,
in the meanwhile, you can either reach
or shop at Patricia Field