Posted on July 18, 2012 by admin
What happened to the Dolce Vita? Does that sweet summer really ended? Seemingly, what’s been going on lately here in the “Boot”, our beloved country, is that dog days are over. Few days ago, while meeting at the same old café, sipping espressos, The Harlows started remembering visual souvenirs of the 60’s, the 50’s. Those fabulous years marked by the economy’s bloom. At that time, our parents were young. Our eyes have seen those images many times through photo albums. Nostalgic but positive, those photos were consumed and browsed instead of doing mathematics and stained with low fat studying boost yougurt. While talking, we had realized we were not even born yet but willing to have those years back. We lived the 60’s and 50’s through those pictures and through our parents stories. Estate Italiana is a Harlow’s selection of summer pictures that aims to bring back some lost feelings. On holiday, riding a Vespa, sunbathing…doing funny things. Like a memory box, Estate Italiana will open up once a week to drive you straight to those years. In the meantime, we wish you all the best to make this 2012 a roaring summer!