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Posted on July 5, 2012 by Hobart Fowlkes

Je m’appelle François.  Je suis Artiste extraordinaire.  ‘Zey say I have talent, but, me, I just put my easel in a place very conspicuous, several brushstrokes, et voila, I meet ze women and sometime i get ‘ze sex.  Is that how you say?  C’est encore plus effective ‘zan it is to walk my precious little Lhasa Apso, “Princesse”, in ‘ze Jardins de Luxembourg a Paris.  Today I am in Venise on the Riva degli Schiavoni.  Many of ‘ze sexy women they stop to talk to me.  I feel que Venise c’est my lucky place, et que cet endroit c’est parfait!  Wish me une bonne chance, s’il vous plait!