Posted on August 27, 2013 by Editorial Staff
We have time until october the 6th! Pub Mania, an exhibition in Paris at the Decorative Arts Museum, brings together collectables produced since 1870 for advertising purposes, from fans by Bally and Cordon Rouge from the 1920s and 30s to illustrations in the style of Benjamin Rabier, who produced the original Vache Qui Rit design. Who has never kept a beautiful biscuit tin, or a publicity fan, jug or ashtray? Since the late 19th century, advertising has generated a host of easily collectable objects and is still using them as a sales tool, including in the form of collector editions. These usually mundane objects are amassed into amusing, surprising, heterogeneous collections. The collector has the joy of the rare find and the pleasures of accumulating, exchanging and specialising. This exhibition draws on Les Arts Décoratifs’ extensive advertising collection to explore this phenomenon and the psychology of collectors. Can’t miss it!