Posted on January 21, 2014 by Luisa Fazio
In addition to being essential for the pollination of flowers, honey bee (Apis mellifera), donates a divine edible secretion. Not at all stingy, it gives us the fruit of its great fatigue: honey. Approximately 60000 round trip flights – from home to work – to produce a kilogram of ambrosia. Have you ever tried to pick a honeysuckle to suck their base trumpet? It’s sweet! The sweetness derives from a sugary substance that is formed at bottom of the flower and cause of that inexorable bee’s voyages in search of nourishment (pollen and nectar). Proud of their all-female society and tireless workers (except queen bee with legs in the air, who is able to reproduce), worker bees according to their age, can be nurses, ladies in waiting, architects, sculptresses, street cleaners, gravediggers, bodyguards. Satisfied with their coexistence, they are always happy and never tired back with “booty” to their unitè d’habitation. Once arrived in the beehive, bees regurgitate what’s previously collected , like nectar in a honey bag which is located firstly in their stomach. Nectar’s process is then completed by fan bees who, flapping their wings, create air currents to accelerate the evaporation of honey which is still too wet. Then, honey is stored in honeycomb’s hexagonal cells. A delicacy that everyone likes, Yogi Bear and his shy friend Boo-Boo included. Zzzzzzzzzz