Posted on June 22, 2012 by Isabella Cecconi
Liz Hingley’s images from her series “Under Gods” capture different cultures from all over the world of different states of religious practice. Catholics, Hare Krishnas, Jehovah witnesses, Muslims, Anglicans, each photograph shows a different side of a religious life. The funny thing is that all the images have been shot along a single stretch of road in Birmingham, U.K. In the two-mile Soho Road of Birmingham, there are more than 30 religious buildings and about 90 different nationalities. As Hingley grew up in the city, she had personal knowledge of the religious diversity that existed in her hometown. Hingley, daughter of two Anglican priests, has spent nearly two years capturing the practices and interactions of her multi-faith community. “Under Gods” captured some wonderfully intimate moments in which different cultures overlap in the small community creating Tableaux Vivants, where a sense of disquietude becomes part of the aesthetical overall image. It is not a documentary on religion, if considering religion as active part of our daily life. It’s everything. It’s more of a celebration of the rich diversity of religions that co-exists and the reality in lifestyles. Faith in fact has to be interpreted differently, depending on time, place and people.