Posted on February 28, 2013 by admin
Trained as a composer, Sergei Tcherepnin (b. 1981) works at the intersections of sound, sculpture, and theater. Connecting is the word: computers, amplifiers, complex multi-channel compositions and objects are often transformed into speakers. Whit this process, objects are hybridized and become strange characters that invite various kinds of play between things and bodies, suggesting new possibilities for intimacy with sound. Central to Tcherepnin’s exhibition at Murray Guy are three boxes clothed in fabric and metal, embedded with transducers and placed in different positions within the gallery. Each box emits a pair of tones that is designed to bring about the production of a third distinct tone — the “eartone” or “difference tone” — within the listener’s inner ear. Many of these performed tones alternate in patterns that are calculated to keep this third “eartone” constant, while shifting the listener’s perception of it within his or her head. During The Armory Show, don’t miss this Tcherepnin exhibition. He will be included also in the 55th Venice Biennale, opening June 1.
On Saturday, March 23, as part of Synth Nights, Tcherepnin will present a performance at The Kitchen, New York, in collaboration with Woody Sullender and Okkyung Lee.
From 5 March through 20 April 2013.