Posted on April 30, 2013 by admin
Manet, Return to Venice is the name of an exhibition currently on display at Doge’s Palace born with the collaboration of Fondazione Musei Civici di Venezia. Untill 18th August 2013, along its monumental rooms, you can admire 80 paintings, drawings and prints edited with the special collaboration of the Musée D’Orsay in Paris, which possesses the largest number of masterpieces by this extraordinary painter. Édouard Manet was born in Paris on 23th January 1832 and was one of the first 19th-century artists to approach modern and postmodern-life subjects . He was a crucial figure in the transition from Realism to Impressionism. Inspired by Italian Renaissance and Spanish paintings, the French artists always had a special relationship with Venice. You can notice this in the exhibition layout, which guides the visitor past great masterpieces, such as Le fifre (1866), La lecture (1865-73), Le balcon (1869), Portrait de Mallarmé (ca. 1876) drawn from his entire artistic life, opens with a series of free interpretations of Old Masters, frescos and sculptures, which Manet saw during his first two journeys to Italy in 1853 and 1857.
This exibithion is curated by Stéphane Guégan, with the scientific direction of Guy Cogeval and Gabriella Belli.