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Posted on October 8, 2012 by Clara G

LOLITA has been one of the most influential books of my life: love as an obsession, as illness, but beautiful in the end, even in its darkest side.

To have myopia is one of the most strange situations. I don’t use glasses in my daily life, I do it as an exercise, this is the way I am. I am not able to see properly, my eyes are not perfect anymore. Somehow myopia protects me when I get tired of reality and when reality hurts, but sometimes I feel weak, insecure. It is also a barrier for the others, I don’t recognize faces easily and people think at first that I am arrogant. I like glasses as an object, I really need them, but I don’t use them. I know it sounds strange when I say it, but I am not sure that I want to see properly like before. I think I like my personal reality where I don’t see imperfection in the others and in myself. I call it “auto photo-shop”.
The perfect mix of all those contradictorily feelings are my glasses. I found them in 2010 Prada spring summer collection inspired by the Lolita myth, they are perfect for me, when I use them I create another barrier: it is not easy to be taken seriously wearing them, believe me! Why do I need all that barriers I don’t know, maybe I am uncommon, maybe I am really crazy, but it is also funny some how… This glasses are funny and ironic, they have a deep meaning for me, I wish I was like them, maybe I am.