Posted on May 26, 2014 by Clara G
There was a time when costume and jewelry where the most important occupation for a certain kind of women and gentlemen were queuing at Cartier to get the most fabulous diamonds for their beauties well known for the quality and amount of their jewels and aristocratic lovers. La Bella Otero, Cléo de Mérode, Mata Hari: all those women, who represented the vanity and decadency of their times, were although the first to step out of the Victorian morality system where they had no other chance to be free.
A few years later, one of that out of the system women, started to dress women to be real helping with that to change the whole feminine role, her name was Coco Chanel and not for coincidence she was the first to mix jewelry and bijoux. When she did so la “Belle Époque” was definitely gone, but for some years the Art Déco style kept the magic alive, creating beautiful objects like this pin designed by Cartier in 1924.
I always wonder about the first owner of this Cartier pin: who was she? Was she a flapper like Coco dreaming to change the world? What happened to her when all was drown again in war and pain? Would she approve the way I wear it? And, more than everything, would she like me?
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