Posted on July 27, 2012 by admin
It was a torrid afternoon in Madrid and I was walking down Calle Barquillo. So hot I was not even tempted by shopping, I just needed a good refreshing sugarfree drink. And then I saw this recently opened shop and the windows were so full of nice clothes. Tachan tachan (how they say in Spain when something appears out of the blue).The image of the brand was so neat and unpretentious that I entered the shop. And there I was leapt, the Bellerose World, such a candid place. Created in 1989 by Patrick van Heruck, it all started as a menswear collection followed by womans and kids line. Inspired by workwear, military and oldschool clothes, Bellerose has been a pionneer in reinventig timeless pieces and bringing them into the presents. Silently, umpretentilusly. I recomend it. The quality is great and prices are smart, durability is eveident and let me say that, the northen star (Bellores is a Beglium project) always brings a certain dose of style, no matter if it’s just a basic pieces.
“American sportswear has always influenced me. I like clothes that are authentic and genuine. Items that can stand the test of time. I’m not interested in fads or throwaway style. Bellerose has a certain spirit and caracter. I couldn’t do any of this without my team and am not enough of megalomaniac to pretend otherwise”. Patrick van Heruck
Above and below some photos from Fall Winter 2012 collection. White Duffle Coat is a collaboration with Nigel Claibrone.