Posted on September 2, 2013 by Editorial Staff
NOW! is an exhibition created by a collective that aims to introduce works of four Italian artists under 35. Held in Ferrara at Ex Refettorio Complesso San Paolo, its main focus is to promote female voices of the Italian contemporary panorama. Ludovica Carbotta, Silvia Giambrone, Laurina Paperina, Elisa Strinna are the magic four selected to leave a trace in a historical, and social, moment in which young creativeness hardly emerges and where thier generation’s voice is often kept low and quiet by the art world. The exhibition doesn’t want to circumscribe the aesthetics dimension of emerging art but want to endorse its differences in the linguistic approach and in stylistic grammar. NOW! is created to stimulate some reflections on the many-sided, and never enough celebrated, “contemporaneità Italiana!”.
Photo: Silvia Giambrone, 8 novembre 2011, 2011
NOW! – Ex Refettorio del Complesso San Paolo, Ferrara 4 – 27 october 2013