Posted on August 30, 2012 by Selvaggia Greco
Introduction to this new column by Selvaggia Greco:
Let me introduce these stories: I’m not going to tell you about brave knights and princess, not about dragons or witches… I’m just going to tell you about magic things of these days, our modern fairy tales. Some things might be real some other might be fly of fancy.What I’m sure about is that I won’t let you down.Let your imagination run wild and remember what happened once upon a time..
Once upon a time there was a guy called Sir Bob Cornelius Rifo. He was charming and elegant, but this is not the point of our story…The exceptionality of this tale is that this guy had no face.He loved music and believed in the infinite power of sound and rhythm. That’s why closed in his castle in Boredom, between his voice and his instruments, Sir Rifo made music from night to night. One day he decided he wouldn’t care of his lack, he had a lot to create and too much to say to close himself into that palace. That day a new idea was born in his mind: he wouldn’t need to let people know he didn’t have a face if he was wearing a mask! And that’s exactly what he did. Cloaking himself with the name of The Bloody Beetroots he started playing his music everywhere. He travelled around the world month after month and kept creating and kept playing, getting to reach a great success and popularity. Nobody care of his façade, nobody ever asked to see how he really looked, they were just fascinated of his image and totally absorbed by his music. Sir Rifo knew he should feel complete and satisfied, but he couldn’t: still something was missing! Could it be cause of his lack, could it be for his infinite wits, what’s sure is that he was nearly obsessed with human being faces…Relying himself to photography he started immortalizing people’s features with the eye of the brilliant artist and of the hungry lover.The result, a series of black and white portraits, hanged up one close to the other, finally made him completely happy. He pleasantly called them his Black Sheep. He lastly had his personal collection of… faces!
Satisfied talking to himself he said: “Why having just one face when you can have a complete crew’s?!?”
The End
An Exhibition of Black-Sheep will be held at Padova Vintage Festival
from September 14th to 16th, 2012 – http://www.vintagefestival.org/