Posted on April 11, 2013 by admin
Is it easy to reinterpretate the way of using tables? No to squares, no to circle surfaces. Otto Table designed by Italian Paolo Cappello is a table with a base in oiled heart beech and clear tempered glass top. The organic shape of the tempered glass top creates an object that can be both used as dining table or office desk: a wide surface to work, design, dine, cook on. Particular is the effect “basketwork leg”. Otto is built on environmentally friendly and fully recyclable materials. Miniforms was born in Italy in the first 1970s as evolution of Inveta (Industria Veneta small tables), a company founded in year 1962 and producer of small tables and furnishing accessories. In its creations, forms and colors are essential, clean and primary. Materials used range from solid wood to sheet steel, glass and aluminum, using environment compatible materials. Otto is a combination of intricate materials and the beautiful transparent glass top, allows the base to be seen in all its glory.
Darling, wouldn’t it be perfect in our living room?