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Posted on August 21, 2013 by Editorial Staff

Cheim & Read New York is hosting an exhibition, through August 30th, on a generation of painters born between 1939 and 1949  who did not fit into fashionable categories of those years and were in their 30s and 40s during the 1980s. Maybe about the last generation of artists for whom painting was urgently important, this anthology , curated by critic Raphael Rubinstein, is a fundamental passage to understand all the contemporary that surrounds us. On walls,  surrealist works by Carrol Dunham and Elizabeth Murray that play with modernist devices by Thomas Nozkowski, Jonathan Lasker, Mary Heilmann and David Reed. Plus some abstract expressionist type compositions by Louise Fishman and Pat Steir  while Bill Jensen and Terry Winters are present with a vaguely botanical imagery. Joan Snyder and Stanley Whitney instead created wide, landscape like works made of myriad paint strokes, and Gary Stephan, Jack Whitten and Stephen Mueller confirm their different sorts of enigmatic symbolism. A small exhibition shaped on a decade that certainly marked,in an unforgettable way, the art we are living now.

Cheim & Read, 547 West 25th Street New York, NY 10001