Posted on October 14, 2013 by Editorial Staff
In the sixties, I put a couple hundred thousand miles on the odometer, driving across the U.S. The further west the new Interstates took you, the stranger the landscapes became. Beginning in Los Angeles in 1970, I started filling up slide drawers with categories of things peculiar to California and its neighbors to the north and south: mobile homes, palm trees and cactus, wall murals, buildings in the shape of ships and events like the Rose Parade, Las Floristas Headdress Ball and, of course, anything relating to Hollywood. By devious means over the next few years, I managed to get a foot in that door, eventually getting that same foot on the red carpet, concluding with two Golden Globes and two Academy Award ceremonies. For a while, I showed mixes of these in slide lectures, before finally putting them to rest and eventually leaving California for New England.
Robert Cumming is an American artist born in 1943. This sensational photographic exhibition is an important document on Hollywood of the 70ies, its celebrities, and one past golden Era. Forty years later, the photos have been digitally printed bringing out a totally new depth to Cumming’s original work. A must see, from November 1st.
Janet Borden Gallery, 560 Broadway, New York NY 10012