Posted on September 21, 2014 by Isabella Cecconi
Take away your horror and repugnance, look what I found – as I was browsing and discovering something new, which has been so far my favourite thing to do. I found Andrew McGibbon, photographer: enchanting colors, perfect picture shots, portrays and curious subjects. Symbols of good, symbols of evil, tradition and iconography. Matter of fact since the very beginning of human beliefs, the snake has always been a creature to be feared. Feared and respected. Sometimes badly treated too. Thus, the serpent has always deserved a sort of second look, beyond its slithering and dark hypnosis. In an endeavor to break common suppositions, that snakes are just evil, Andrew McGibbon has shot a series of photographs called Slitherstition which depict snakes with a bright and colored background to emphasise their beauty and design. The project looks pretty awesome, and it surely gives snakes another look.
Still Scared?I’m mesmerized!