Posted on February 11, 2014 by Editorial Staff
He is one of our favorites. His work can be seen in some of the greatest galleries around the world: James Cohan, Rhona Offman, Lisson, Yvon Lambert and Nordenhacke. Finch produces his works in a wide variety of mediums including watercolor, photography, glass, electronics, video and fluorescent lights. But it’s in those “strange” neon lights that we feel like breathtaking and all this candid simplicity, is not only spectacular but also very intimate. These light sculptures can’t pass unnoticed, whatever is a museum, a gallery or an art fair. Finch produces this light installations after measuring with a colorimeter the natural light in a specific time and place and reconstruct it exactly as it is with hundreds shades of neon. The moment and its light: fixed and taken into another time and space. Like a minimalistic kind of radiating photography, like a memory. So the Sun of Sahara can be found in a Gallery in New York or in any other places far, very far, from it’s original place. And the romanticism in it, it’s overflowing.
Spencer Finch is born in 1962 in New Heaven. He is a graduated of Hamilton College and and M.F.A. in sculpture at the Rhode Island School Of Design.
Photo from internet. “Sun Over Sahara Desert 01/02/2011”