Posted on April 3, 2013 by Isabella Cecconi
The photographer I would like to share with you today, traveled everywhere in the world. You can catch the feeling of adventure from his pictures. He captured the fashion world in its peeks of drama and elegance. He worked with models like Ceacil Beaton worked with aristocrats. I’m of course talking about Norman Parkinson. Parkinson was elegantly English, tall and charming and had great care of his subjects. His pictures were a solid body of work that we now all cherish with care. The simplicity of his shots had a peculiar charm and were perfectly positioned with silhouettes, landscapes, decorations. Althrough his career he worked majorly with Vogue Magazine, which sustained his free sense of movement. Parkinson images are easy to describe because easy to perceive and we all must admit, that followers like Mario Testino or Tim Walker have a huge debt of acknowledgement to their predecessor whose incredible mind is a real lyrical pictorical ballad.