Posted on August 22, 2013 by Editorial Staff
Have you ever been to Corfu? A magical island. A place where the sea meets the sky and the colors of the earth meets the green of the many trees, olive branches, cinnamon rocks. Corfu is a delightful place to spend vacations, to rest, to travel, to sail. Kerkyra, the capital has a magnificent historical center, with ancient traditional buildings and fancy cafes and shops. Salty bag was born in Corfu. Salty bag is the story of a friendship and of a good idea. Three Corfiots and an Athenian met over a sailing seminar in Corfu in January 2013. By that time the Corfiots had been making bags for close to a year. After a few ideas and a few drinks they decided to form Salty Bag P.C in March 2013. The idea was to form the first Greek upcycling company focused on making exquisite bags from decomissioned sails while bequeathing to the sails’ future owner it’s history and travels. Salty bag is about retired sails, about use and recycle, it’s about design. Each piece is handcrafted, unique and it carries a small booklet with the sail story. Salty Bag? A sea of love!