Posted on September 13, 2012 by Isabella Cecconi
One of the major and impressive international photo prizes is the Taylor Wessing Photographic Portrait’s which, every year, presents the best in contemporary portrait photography. The Prize, is an established leader for new talent’s showcase and includes the work of young photographers and amateurs alongside professionals or students. This year the competition attracted 5,340 submissions by over 2,350 photographers from around the world. At the moment, four photographers have been shortlisted for the £12,000 prize (Alma Haser, Spencer Murphy, Jennifer Pattison, Jordi Ruiz Cirera) which is entirely sponsored by international law firm Taylor Wessing. The judges have selected 60 portraits and the exhibition will run from 8 November 2012 till 17 February 2013 at the National Portrait Gallery of London. The winner will be announced at the awards ceremony on Monday 5 November. Tim Eyles, Managing Partner of international law firm Taylor Wessing said: ‘Many of the portraits selected this year have an enigmatic quality that will leave the viewer wanting to find out more. Collectively, they reflect a cultural and social variety that will doubtless come together as another hugely stimulating exhibition. Our congratulations go to all the shortlisted photographers and our thanks, as ever, to the National Portrait Gallery.’ May the best man win!
Taylor Wessing Photographic Portrait Prize 2012
8 November 2012 – 17 Feb 2013
Porter Gallery – London