Posted on June 8, 2012 by admin
‘God bless this tiny little boat, and me who travels in it. It stays afloat for years and years. And sinks within a minute. And so the soul in which we sail, unknown by years of thinking, is deeply felt and understood, the minute that it’s sinking.’ Micheal Leunig
The classic yellow rain-proof color, the suggestive design and the shape of vintage wooden boats: it’s Ar Vag. This crafty vessel has been created and projected by Thibault Penven, a student of the University of Art and Design of Lausanne this very year. In a little time, a wooden plank becomes a seat as folding rods and unfolded waterproof material becomes a functioning watercraft. Useful for a summer trip, for camping and days at the beach. The aesthetic of this portable rowboat is kind of impressive and rather inviting. It’s minimal and pretty alluring. We are ready to row in this tiny little boat!