Posted on June 28, 2012 by Francesca Lanni
This is the traditional British sauce. A ‘must have’ for apple pies and many other dishes. Hot or cold, custard is just as delicious served either way although I believe warm custard is one of the most comforting things ever. Making custard is actually surprisingly easy. You just need to be very careful of what you’re doing, have the right equipment with you – basically a good metal whisk, non-stick saucepans, a rubber spatula, and good quality ingredients – and you’re sorted.
Ingredients: 1 Vanilla pod, 275ml double cream, 3 egg yolks, 1 teaspoon cornflour, 25g golden caster sugar. Six to eight serve.
Begin by splitting the vanilla pod lengthways and using the end of a teaspoon to scoop out the seeds. Then place the pod and the seeds in a small saucepan, along with the cream. Now place the pan over a gentle heat and heat it to just below simmering point. While the cream is heating, whisk the egg yolks, cornflour and sugar together in a medium bowl using a balloon whisk. Next remove the vanilla pod from the hot cream. Then, whisking the egg mixture all the time with one hand, gradually pour the hot cream into the bowl. When it’s all in, immediately return the whole lot back to the saucepan using a rubber spatula. Now back it goes on to the same gentle heat as you continue whisking until the custard is thick and smooth, which will happen as soon as it reaches simmering point. If you do overheat it and it looks grainy, don’t worry, just transfer it to a jug or bowl and continue to whisk until it becomes smooth again. Pour the custard into a jug or bowl, cover the surface with clingfilm and leave to cool. To serve it warm later, remove the clingfilm and sit the bowl over a pan of barely simmering water.