Posted on July 21, 2014 by Marco Maggetto
Every year something like 16.000 square kilometers of Amazonian forest are destroyed. Besides losing a rich patrimony of biodiversity, this “crime” also influences the climatic system of our planet. Amazon is one of the most important wedges on the global climatic mosaic: it regulates damp, it mitigates thermal excursions and stores CO2.
Amazonlife is a brand produced by Italian “Braccialini” that uses impact zero raw materials and sustains WWF Italia by creating a small collection of accessories that are high in functionality and multipurpose. Created with cotton, flax, juta, coconuts, straws derived from military camp beds and soldier’s gummed ponchos, every piece is made with the contribution of Indios: Amazonlife represents an economic alternative for the local populations, contributing to the diffusion of their culture and safeguard of the last great green lung of the Planet.
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