Posted on November 15, 2012 by Marco Maggetto
Lately I have been obsessively asking myself about the point of keeping a large amount of magazines and books when technology allows to have everything in a click. All that precious space I could use for something else, would I throw out everything for some fresh air? We are so used to have an information/picture in seconds that we all run to Google forgetting our “papers” . Why do we rely on Gg so much? Answer, we are just lazy cows. As I observe all mayor historic newspapers auctioning their photographic archives, I can’t help but wonder why this people is selling their “privileged” knowledge . I have been researching for some fashion photographs online and there was no trace of them. Important shootings made by masters, I’m not talking about any niche stuff. And suddenly the weight, and price, of books was making sense again. The only way to reach a precise information is all there in your exclusive “boutique of knowledge”. In particular, fashion needs a memory, fashion needs to be physical. In a World Web where a photo is consumed in seconds and pinned, and re tweeted and re posted and re arranged and re used, I feel more than lucky to have a small treasure to look at when my eyes needs something that is not put-upon. There aren’t any spoiled caption there, just the work of a photographer as he intended. On the other hand, as blogger, sharing new things is a mission. People need to see more, and it doesn’t matter if the quality is not high resolution like. This is just a teaser and here is a selection of some fashion moments you cannot find online and you may like to enjoy on paper. Like them or not, these are pictures that settled the style compass needle into the north direction.
Opening picture: Jil Sander, 1991 by Barry Lategan . Architecture and fashion get together. Minimalism was breaking the “full fanfare look” again.
Vivienne Westwood 1981 by Alex Chatelain. Nature, simplicity and anarchy. The Pirates collection was breaking some rules.
Iconic collection. Prada 1997 by Perry Ogden. Every single girl wanted those sandals, that haircut and that “Indie” look.
A Versace dress that didn’t hit the common memory but that I consider immortal. Worn by Karen Elson and photographed by Richard Avedon in mid 90ies.