Posted on October 28, 2013 by Marco Maggetto
The art world doesn’t mix up with fashion, and this is basic rule. No matter if fashion takes its main inspiration from art, no matter if artists are doing prints, design, advertising for brands. Everything should be discreet and collaborations should be silent. If an artist does want to ruin his career, all he/she needs to do is to be credited on a limited edition bag line. That’s the way it is. I want to find the intersection space between art and fashion, how many times did we hear that? Well that space exists, it is evident but keep it quite because that intersection is ephemeral and volatile. Alexander Liberman, was a Russian-American magazine editor, publisher, painter, photographer, and sculptor. He is one of the very few examples of a balanced “intersection”. Liberman managed to be the world’s most powerful editorial art director but also a respected photographer, artist, and graphic designer. Despite all that glamour Liberman managed to remain a very well educated. down to heart, “white emigrè”, first in Paris and suddenly in New York, who’s life and work are now an inspiration for many. Rizzoli pays hommage to the genius of “Alex”, as he was called at Conde’ Nast, publishing a richly illustrated book curated by former Vogue design director Charles Churchward. “My friend, it’s Modern!” he would say whenever someone challenged his judgment. And modern is the key definition of Alexander Liberman’s work: after so many years, his track at Vogue remains unsurpassed and incredibly contemporary.