Posted on October 18, 2012 by Marco Maggetto
Les Néréides, créatueurs de bijoux haute fantasie, was created in 1980 by Pascale and Enzo Ammadeo with the intent of making “pizzaz” fine costume jewellery. In Greek mythology, the Néréides were sea nymphs daughters of Nereus, the old man of the sea. When there was 50 of them, they had the power to re invent themselves. The name, chosen by Pascale’s grandfather, was never been so suitable to a jewellery line. During the years Néréides has always found its inspiration in travelling and collecting items. Every trip made by Pascale and Enzo, was the discover of a new world with a consequent come back in France with small treasures made of old dolls, night lights, statues, vintage jewellery and of course, paintings. Néréides had been growing up along the years meeting the tastes of a major number of clients. They have created indeed small collection lines (Le Bucoluques, Les Histoires, Les Bourgeoises, Les Citadines, Les Precieuses) that embrace the nature, tales, Italian classics. From noble materials, till easy to wear jewellery to mix with the busy woman’s wardrobe, every woman is represented. Irony, joye de vivre, this small company is an example of familiar enduring legacy, 360 degrees creativity and witty philosophy.
Discover les Néreides at http://www.lesnereides.com/