Posted on May 7, 2013 by Marco Maggetto
Thu Thu is a new label from Berlin that I find quite interesting. To tell you the truth, there are a lot of new designers from Germany that I’m really interested in. It may be the power or accuracy they lately put in their collections, it may be the no cuckoo factor. Just put the Berlin fashion week on your map and you will see some new designers are really deserving the trip. Like designer Thuy Duong Nguyen, founder of Thu Thu. She was born in Vietnam before moving to Germany at an early age and she has been influenced by the two very different strong cultures. Her clothes are therefore a trait d’union between the Western style and the charm of the Far East. Nguyen actually designs pieces destined to a young crowd of global gypsies and new generation of globetrotters. Ingredients? Handcrafted Vietnamese embroideries, traditional rural textiles mixed with a contemporary touch/cut. The result? Irresistible and fresh collections that are going to influence the new urban aesthetic and some echoes of distant places, and older times, that are rarely seen on mainstream catwalks. The best of German design shake hands with Vietnam’s craftsmanship.