Posted on May 15, 2014 by Marco Maggetto
The Harlow welcomes back the return of workwear in fashion, a trend that was really strong in the 90ies and seems ready to be the next hot thing on your favorite store’s rows. The idea of comfort and protection has never been out of date really, but signals are starting to get clear and loud intensely towards this direction. To represent this new wave we had picked a new American brand called O.A.M.C. It’s a simple idea: to mix all-American work wear with the luxury of European craftsmanship. Luke Meier and Chris Gibbs are both born in Canada, met in mid-nineties in New York and became friends. Meyer went to study to FIT and become Supreme (yes, the skaters number one brand) head designer while Gibbs opened up a boutique in Los Angeles called Union. When Meier invented the concept behind O.A.M.C.A he needed a right hand: who’s better than his best friend? The duo is at his second collection, doing well and raising. As they declared ” When you really boil workwear down, it’s about utility. But even through it works, maybe it doesn’t have to look like it works”.