Posted on November 28, 2013 by Marco Maggetto
Every time I stop by a Comme Des Garçons shop it’s a pleasure. Whenever it’s the perfume store in Paris, the Dover St Market in London, a multilabel boutique or the fantastic Chelsea New York Flagship Store, it’s entering Rei Kawakubo’s world. Spectacular clothes and, more than everything, happy memories. All those years of my youth spent in desiring Japanase clothes, all those impossible prices (until late nineties production was entirely made in Japan- imagine costs for transportation and custom that were applied). All those happy friends, artists, galleries owners and employees, dealers, socialites faithful to the brand and perfectly comfortable in wearing black skirts and a over sized black coat. All the gossiping about “the genious”, her aura, her strong character that made of Kawakubo a mith. She was a legend 20 years ago, the best to buy, and astonishingly still is. Her clothes, except collaboration lines that are now more accessible, are forever. None trash a Comme Des Garçons coat or a jacket or skirt, because everything can be worn even after 30 years (Comme was founded in 1973 in Tokyo and launched globally in Paris early eighties). So I decided I wanted to be a collector. I said myself that it would be cool: whenever old and fat and horrible, I would always have some black exceptional pieces to wear and feel special in. But. Can I be more naive? My inspiration and mission crashed after only two days of researches,during which, I realized the following : the world of Comme’s collectors is immense and very wealthy. It’s populated by fast and more obsessed than me persons. They can pay a vintage mint condition item the double of the price of a new one. If they are not around my age, the romantic nostalgic part, Oh oh, they can be aggressive as hell bidding in the night on ebay or waiting the last 5 seconds to win. They are conscious and competitive. They buy everything, because they wear everything head to toes. In few words, the Comme collector is like Kawakubo herself: a difficult, strong and determined person. And whenever you’ll decide you want to be one, mail in and we will give some surviving tips. You cannot make it without.
Photo: deatil of a multilayered dress from SS 1998.